Capricorn New Moon
23º Capricorn
January 12, 9:00 PM PST
January 13, 12:00 AM EST
The new moon at 23º Capricorn on Wednesday, January 13th, 2021, is conjunct Pluto. This is a call to spiritual evolution.
The new moon marks one year exactly from the Saturn-Pluto conjunction of 2020, stirring up memories of the past. We may find ourselves looking back on all that we have witnessed, endured, and catalyzed. We are in a portal between worlds, and this new moon is a mile marker of how far we have come over the past twelve months.
This new moon is revealing to us what has been deep underneath the surface. We’re forced to see the darkness that exists. Change is inevitable and not an option. We are in the cycle of regeneration. It is an ending and a beginning, like the phoenix, born from the ash of the ruins of destruction. We emerge transformed. Where are we holding onto the old way that has become toxic? What needs to be brought to an end so we can begin again?
The Capricorn Archetype
The Capricorn Archetype is asking for us to step into being the spiritually mature adult and to take responsibility for how we have contributed to harm or acted from misalignment of power. This is an invitation to work with our shadow and take a brutally honest look at the part we have played. Where have we made someone else responsible for how things are? What abuses of power have we tolerated? Where have we been motivated by the need to be right or have control? Where have we perpetuated toxicity? Where do we have power right now that we are not owning? What archetypes show up to manage feeling powerless? (Examples: Addict, Perfectionist, Victim, Bully, Bitch, Gossip, Coward, Codependent, Conspiracy Theorist, People Pleaser, Scapegoat, Escapist, Magical Thinker)
2020 was a year to wake up, realign to our values, and see things from a new perspective. Now we are called to take what we learned and integrate these lessons. This is a defining moment. This new moon may be the reality check we need to center us, even if the truth is ominous. Change starts from within, and the seeds we plant now can rebuild a better world. How can we embody the grace that can heal and transform this world?