The full moon on Monday, September 20th at 6:55 p.m. CDT is ethereal. It sits at 28 degrees and 13 minutes in the sign of Pisces. As the last sign of the zodiac in nearly the last degree, we come to a time of completion. Since the Pisces new moon on the 13th of March, we’ve been in a state of metamorphosis. The energy has been building. What is in bloom, and peaking now in this lunation, is a dream seed planted last spring. This moon is an invitation to let go of patterns, beliefs, and insecurities that do not serve the new cycle that is emerging.
Pisces as an Archetype
Pisces is the ocean. Pisces longs to merge with the divine, so it can feel the connection of “All is One.” Before the body, before this incarnation, we were a sea of souls. We were all drops in the ocean of consciousness. Pisces longs for that depth of connection, to feel the truest essence of divinity. It can feel that connection so strongly, it’s as though its fluid nature dissolves the form. It has such acute sensitivity that it can easily absorb collective energy. Because of this, it can easily lose itself in the weight of the world. This moon illuminates where we have lost parts of ourselves, so we can remember our true essence and reclaim our soul mission.
Cosmic Weather
This Pisces full moon rests in proximity with its planetary ruler Neptune, guiding us deeper into the conscious collective and subconscious mind. Pisces holds the ocean of the collective emotions, offering waves of grief, sorrow, joy, love, and transcendence. It can be the emotional riptide that pulls us under the karmic surf or the wave of pure insight. Sometimes the pressure of emotions has been building up for a while, without us fully being aware of it. Neptune energy has a way of rising slowly, so that by the time we are finally aware of it, the current is up to the chin. With this full moon sextile to Pluto, there is an intensity to release, to change, to evolve. If you have planets in the last degrees of the mutable signs, Pisces, Virgo, Gemini or Sagittarius you may especially feel the desire to make changes. If we can be present to feel the range of emotions, we can allow them to deepen our capacity to understand and to love. We can’t control the chaos and cosmic weather, but we can control how we choose to meet them. Trust your heart to lead you. Trust that the transformation is supportive to your growth. Pisces guides us to tap into the unseen realms for inspiration, healing, psychic revelation, and sacred connection. Trust the ripple of cosmic currents that respond to your most sincere soul prayer.
The full moon is sextile Sedna in 29 degrees of Taurus. Sedna is one of the slowest moving planet-like objects in our solar system. It takes 10,500 years to move around the Sun. In this lunation, Sedna is connected to an ending of a collective cycle. It represents the highest spiritual calling that we can achieve after much deep work. It speaks to what we need to evolve out of in order to rise to meet our destiny. With Mars in Libra in connection to this full moon, we connect to justice, equality, and advocating for others.
This full moon is sextile Shiva, the destroyer of ignorance. In this time, illusions are being dismantled. We must examine where we may be attached to an illusion or where we’re not seeing clearly. For example, if we truly want to believe in the “All is One” philosophy, we must see divinity in everything. We can’t choose to see divinity in a way that only suits us, while turning away from the rest of humanity. Perhaps we believe the illusion that there is separation. Or maybe we are under the illusion that we know what the right choice is for someone else. At this time, we are challenged to put into practice many of Neptune’s principles—to honor the divinity in all life, to trust that a divine force is guiding us according to plan, to trust our hearts over our political party’s belief system.
The moon is opposite Hygeia, reminding us of the importance of cleansing, purification, and taking preventative action steps to support our health. Our self-care is currently very important. It is easy to feel overwhelmed or lost with all that is going on right now. Be gentle with yourself. Practice kindness with yourself and others. Allow yourself time to rest. With Pisces energy we can at times get so fully absorbed in the spiritual world that we neglect or deny the physical plane and the body. It’s important to check in with your body to understand what it physically needs. The body is a vessel that supports our highest service and should be honored and cared for in highest regard. It is through that body that our soul can create and radiate our sacred work.
Working With Duality
This moon brings awareness to our own duality and invites us to work with it consciously. We can get lost in the suffering and chaos of this time, or we can let it deepen the compassion in our hearts.
We can hold compassion for the heartbreak and grief while simultaneously witnessing all the ways that consciousness is waking up to itself. Through natural disasters, through devastation, hearts unite and communities come together.
With Neptune and Pluto in aspect to this lunation, we strongly connect to the collective energy and also the shadow of it. It is important to connect to what we are feeling and fearing and to get to know our shadow patterns. We need to understand what is motivating our intentions. Through a shadow work process, we can better understand ourselves and the shadow in other people.
Guided By Synchronicity
With the polarity of the Virgo sun and Pisces moon, we are called to balance and integrate our intuitive gifts with our logical mind. Virgo seeks physical wholeness, while Pisces reminds us of a spiritual wholeness, which is our interconnectedness with all of life that embraces mystery and magic. This full moon offers much opportunity to connect to our dreams and our intuitive nudges and to be present to synchronicity. In its highest expression, Pisces is operating from a level of faith that trusts the guidance of the heart and internal validation to navigate the unknown and dive into the mystery.
You Are Love Embodied
You are here to be an embodied, present, healing force of love and grace. Embodied Pisces energy uses its imagination to bring love and light into this world. In its highest expression, it flows to where synchronicity calls to be a force of grace.
At a time when the world has become so polarized and divided, this moon is a beacon of light guiding us to our hearts. This is an important time to practice compassion. The more we practice compassion, the more we’ll increase our capacity to be compassionate with ourselves and others. So many are feeling grief, pain, and separation. Don’t underestimate what the pure presence of compassion can bring to someone’s life right now.
“But compassion is a deeper thing that waits beyond the tension of choosing sides. Compassion, in practice, does not require us to give up the truth of what we feel or the truth of our reality. Nor does it allow us to minimize the humanity of those who hurt us. Rather, we are asked to know ourselves enough that we can stay open to the truth of others, even when their truth or their inability to live up to their truth has hurt us.”
Mark Nepo, The Book of Awakening