Taurus Lunar Eclipse: Reclaim Our Innate Worth

The full moon in 27 degrees of Taurus on Friday, November 19th at 2:57 a.m. CST is a partial lunar eclipse. This moment is a reclamation of self-worth. A necessary shakeup moves stuck energy. We release the foundations that no longer nourish us to rebuild in alignment with our values. 

As with a full moon, but stronger, a lunar eclipse amplifies the lunar traits of emotions, memories, and intuition. A lunar eclipse symbolizes a reset of your emotions, shedding old patterns from the past six months. 

This lunar eclipse initiates a new eclipse cycle. There will be seven eclipses crossing the Taurus-Scorpio axis between now and October 2023, together referred to as an eclipse series. We embark on new archetypal story that will span around 18 months with the Taurus and Scorpio archetypes.

This is the longest lunar eclipse in 580 years and the longest of the century, spanning six hours in total, with a visible eclipse lasting three hours and 28 minutes.

Eclipses are pivotal moments when happenings come to light that stimulate change and align us to our soul’s evolution. Lunar eclipses mark significant pinnacles and endings.

Woman laying on bed of flowers
Image Credit: Clarke Sanders

Taurus as an Archetype

Taurus is the archetype of divine embodiment. Taurus relates to the natural world as an aspect of the divine. The Taurus contract asks us to creatively work with the forces of nature and the material plane. Taurus governs our sense of self-worth, value, and connection to the material world. Taurus teaches us to value what is present in our lives. Taurus values quality, creativity and sensual connection. The body is the bridge to experience the physical world, connecting Heaven and Earth. Taurus asks us to engage through our senses in ways that honor the Earth, create pleasure, and affirm our worth.

This full moon awakens the Taurus area of our lives. Yearning for security and survival is heightened. We are invited to slow down, ground and connect to the body. We may need to look at ways we aren’t present in our body and how we emotionally hold on to an idea of safety that doesn’t serve us.  

Eclipses work in 19 year cycles. The last time we had a lunar eclipse in 27 degrees of Taurus was on November 20th, 2002. Thinking back to this time, what was awakening in you?

The Taurus-Scorpio Polarity

The Taurus-Scorpio axis reveals where we acquire the resources necessary for growth in our lives. It magnifies our physical and emotional resources as well as psychic inheritance and ancestral bonds. This full moon invites us to consider our attachments, all the ways we hold on at the material, emotional, and psychological levels. Do you hold on to an idea of value that was learned from your family? Do you hold on to an argument for the need to be right? Do we hold on simply cuz the feeling is familiar? We are asked to transcend the tangible and step into the unknown. 

The Invitation

This eclipse invites us to reflect on where we have given our power away for comfort and security. We are urged to let go of everything we hang on to for a false feeling of security. Are you holding on to things not aligned with your values? Seeds planted in illusion will not surface. When we’re in a state of comfort, we don’t have the ability to grow. We are asked to abandon comfort and feel our rawness. We strip illusion away to realize things were never what defined our value. Our worth is innate; it cannot be given to us or taken away. Our worth simply is, and we are here to live our divine expressions. This eclipse invites us to reclaim our worth and feel value without attachment.

This eclipse asks us to shift our perspective to embody divinity here on Earth. Are you living in a way that truly honors and supports the Earth? How can you live more sustainably? What is awakening now that needs to change in order to connect to your vision of the world? What areas are you still holding on to that you are being asked to let go?

Light clouds partially covering a starry sky.
Image Credit: Milan Ihl

Cosmic Weather

The eclipses are inextricably linked to the Nodes, and while the Nodes are still in Gemini (North Node) and Sagittarius (South Node) right now, they will shift into Taurus and Scorpio in January of next year. Because this is the first of the Taurus eclipses, it begins an archetypal narrative over the next 18 months. Our journey may feel unfamiliar or unknown to us but offers enormous spiritual growth and aligns with destiny.

The eclipse squares Jupiter in Aquarius and trines Pluto in Capricorn. A square to Jupiter magnifies what is in the way of our authentic vision. Where do you need to extend generosity and tolerance to groups, especially those who support and expand your vision? The trine to Pluto in Capricorn indicates a strong desire to overcome our restraints, connect to our power, and seize the moment.

The fixed star Algol, which is associated with the myth of Medusa, is activated by the lunar eclipse. Medusa’s gaze was so piercing that it could turn men to stone. In mythology, Perseus slew her by decapitation and used her head to protect himself from Cetus, the sea monster, on his journey back. As a result, Algol is connected with ‘losing one’s head,’ which may result in waves of tremendous emotions coming through or spiritually representing surrendering the ego. Algol has an incredibly unique twinkling pattern—about every 68 hours it blinks on and off for eight hours. Medusa represents powerful healing abilities and rebirth after initiation into the shadow.  Medusa offers transcendence and ability to create or end life.

The eclipse is conjunct with Sedna. Sedna teaches us that through surrender we transcend and connect to our divine gifts and purpose. Sedna initiates through a fated crisis. The myth of Sedna represents a rite of passage and subsequent resurrection. What arises now can connect us to spiritual gifts we didn’t even know we had if we can let go of and transcend the perspective of victimhood.

This lunar eclipse may you feel your innate worth and embrace the mystery.

“Owning our worthiness is the act of acknowledging that we are sacred.”

Brené Brown

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