At 27’40 degrees of Virgo on March 18th at 2:18 a.m. CST, the full moon is an emotional recalibration. We implement holistic systems, intuitive strategies, and sacred rituals to support our well-being.
The full moon in Virgo will bring an end to an 18-month growth process. Thinking back to September of 2020, what themes were active? How have you matured and grown? This moon deepens our connection to self-responsibility. Have you been able to take responsibility for your part in what you have c0-created in your life? We release patterns of guilt, shame, and transferring pain. We no longer hold onto what isn’t ours. We tend to our nervous systems with presence and awareness. If we are willing to look directly at our part in what we have created, we unlock pathways to our own healing and come into right relationship with ourselves. We open to our intuitive next steps and take the necessary preparations to meet our destiny.
This full moon marks the last full moon of the astrological year. We complete a 12-month lunar calendar and release the parts of ourselves that no longer serve our evolution. We see what is practically realizable. We find sweet relief in surrender. We practice deep listening. We get back to the basics. Our body wisdom informs us of what needs our attention. We see divine presence in the details of life.

Virgo as an Archetype
The archetype of Virgo represents the pursuit of excellence and purity via practical integration and methodical examination. Purity in this case means to be inherently pure in our hearts to become a divine vessel of higher love and service. Virgo strives for accuracy and efficiency in service, conduct, and thought. Virgo excels at intuitively reading patterns, honing in on what needs to be fixed, and creating a strategy to refine, perfect, and bring into alignment.
Virgo demonstrates pragmatism and devotion through service and thoughtfulness to the details in life. Virgo as an archetypal path of evolution is the journey to practice holistic approaches and refine tools through craftsmanship, practical observation, and self-sacrifice as expressions of discipline. In its highest expression, Virgo evolves to a state of mastery of skills and talents as a form of soul expression to offer their skill as a holistic medicine for the collective. To do this, one must surpass the need for outside approval to reach a place of self-connection and esteem to follow their inner guidance. They own their talents and skills, know what they have to offer, and rise as a conscious co-creator in pure service for the divine to guide and work through them and serve as a healing vessel.
Virgo reminds us of our innate ability to embody a sacred container for invoking a deeper connection to the Divine and the medicine for healing.
The shadow of Virgo is worry, criticism, and perfectionism. It can make any or all of these become an all-consuming, devoted practice. The fear of making an error is so great that they never follow their guidance in how they may serve. The path of refinement requires trial and error and the willingness to create a mess. Life is research and development, and to learn and grow, we must risk getting creatively experimental. We must be willing to engage in progress over perfection. Through engagement with life, we find what is useful. We find tools that help us heal, that we can offer as collective medicine.
The Virgo/Pisces Polarity
This full moon seeks to balance the intuitive and the rational mind. We seek to integrate knowledge learned vs trusting our inner knowledge. This moon may bring up big emotions and the ways in which we avoid feeling. When intensity arises, what are the ways that you disassociate or rationalize your feelings, instead of being present to feel your intuitive guidance and body wisdom?
We are asked to find deeper acceptance for all the parts of ourselves. When we criticize and judge another, we project onto them what we cannot accept in ourselves. When we move into a greater capacity to love and accept our bodies and all the parts of ourselves as divine perfection, we deepen our capacity to extend compassion to all life on the planet. When we recognize that we are all aspects of the divine, we awaken to allow our hearts to guide us from connection and compassion to a service that transcends the self. We embody the sacred. When we disconnect from All-is-one, we shift into martyrdom and we sacrifice ourselves to our work or those we labor for. Virgo in the shadow form disconnects from the self and life drains their vitality. We must bring our devotion down to earth into our practices of self-care, ritual, and discernment. Our body is not separate from our spiritual mission but rather it is the vehicle that supports our highest service. Tending to our needs and boundaries is required to honor our wholeness. The shadow aspects of the Pisces archetype are escapism, disillusionment, victim mentality, co-dependence, and addiction.
This full moon tells us how far we’ve come in integrating those archetypal energies within ourselves and how far we still have to go. We are invited to discern what’s real and bring our focus to the messages of our body wisdom and intuitive knowing so that we can make holistic choices to support our well-being.

Honoring the Self
We are asked to honor our time to rest and rejuvenate, knowing that we can more fully connect to our creative power when we tend to our physical vessel, nervous system, and our needs.
This full moon is an invitation to surrender guilt around putting ourselves first and commit to radical self-care. We release cultural conditioning and shame that told us that honoring ourselves is anything but sacred. Growing up, most of us didn’t have adult role models who truly valued themselves. We are the new model. Are you willing to practice?
This is also an important time to redefine what sacrifice means to us and what we are willing to consciously surrender in service to the collective.
Let this moon initiate the ritual and practice that illustrates our value for ourselves. To truly be of service and offer our medicine to the world, we must begin with a full cup. Through body wisdom and presence, we are guided to our next steps.

Cosmic Weather
We have the Moon in a trine to Pluto and trine to Sedna. So that in itself is a Grand Trine in the earth element. A Grand Trine awakens our natural ability and natural talent. This Grand Trine in Earth also connects to the North Node in Taurus, activating our social responsibility to the world and our collective tipping point.
This full moon features a Stellium, or planetary alignment, in Pisces in Mercury, Jupiter, Neptune, the Sun, and the asteroid Kali. This Stellium is encouraging us to seek within and cherish our intuition and connection to Source over all else. Neptune in this full moon chart shows us where we have been misled, disillusioned, or unable see the truth clearly. We must rely on our inner eyes and our hearts to feel what is real. With the asteroid Kali present in this Stellium, we are asked to confront parts of our ego (or the ignorance within) that keep us from embracing higher truth to ultimate unity. Kali initiates through fierce feminine fire to clear karma in the way of our path. Kali is courageous and guides us into the fires of truth to remember our divine self. We are invited to cultivate the courage to look within ourselves to battle the war within.
This full moon is conjunct with the asteroids Aphrodite, Odin, and Truth. Aphrodite is the Greek name of the Goddess, who the Romans named Venus. She represents our values. She imparts wisdom on how to love and connect to our creativity. Odin was the god of war and death in Norse mythology. He was generally considered the leader of the gods. Odin was a great magician who was often associated with magic and runes. He sacrificed one of his eyes to see everything that happens in the world. This full moon directly aligns with our values, truth, and our personal sacrifices to gain divine wisdom.
This Virgo moon asks us to contemplate the consequences of our actions. Decisions made now require discernment, regard, and honor for all humanity and thus operate more on behalf of a collective movement than individual desires. We must carefully consider our role and personal responsibility and implement strategies for the highest good and for what we want to build long term for our future world.
The Invitation
This full moon invites us to tend to our self care. We are encouraged to create a sanctuary within ourselves and our environment and prioritize our self and our physical vessel. Take small steps. Embrace simplicity. Listen to our body’s messages. We are meant to bring our energy and presence back to the self and integrate our compassionate heart, intuitive knowing, and keen mind to inform our next steps of service.
“Our bodies tell us the truth of life that our minds can deny: that we are in any moment as much about softness as fortitude. Always in need of care and tenderness. Life is fluid, evanescent, evolving in every cell, in every breath. Never perfect. To be alive is by definition messy, always leaning towards disorder and surprise. How we open or close to the reality that we never arrive at safe enduring stasis is the matter, the raw material, of wisdom.”
Krista Tippett