The full moon in 27°15’ of Aquarius on August 19th (1:25 p.m. CDT) delivers a surge of electric pulses that shake us out of stagnant patterns and instigate new awakenings.
Insights that come forth at this time will bring our awareness to the next steps we need to take in order to foster our growth and clarify where we have been blocking our own progress.
Our old structures and roles are being challenged now, and we may find they no longer fit with our evolution—and we are asked to surrender.
High energy, eagerness, and clarity propels us toward new directions and into new forms.
This full moon is vibrating at an elevated frequency, calling forth all planets on deck into the cosmic conversation. We may find it is difficult to focus or be present as there is much collective chatter. But focus is necessary, as we are guided into the past to work through what is essential for our growth so that we are able to turn toward the unknown.
Our emotions are heightened at this time and what needs to be felt, seen, and discussed in order to be resolved comes to the surface.
We may discover that our expectations of a situation are radically different than our reality, and we may find that, just as we think we know where things are headed, it will change. We are asked to be open, be flexible, and practice detachment.
The new moon that occurred in Aquarius on Feb 9th, 2024, corresponds to this lunation. We connect with our progress over the last six months, reflecting on how far we’ve come and how we feel about what is possible for our lives in the chapter ahead.
Our resistance to stepping into our unique role in the collective is illuminated and we are asked to release the weight that we have been carrying so that we can bring more of our authentic gifts into service. This allows us to anchor more deeply into our hearts. Only when we see the bigger picture of the change that is unfolding can we set ourselves free.

We Gain New Perspective
This full moon in Aquarius is our chance to look at our lives from a distance, take a bird’s eye view, and gain a higher and objective perspective. Sudden changes crack open and reveal important truths that have the potential to set us off in a forward direction.
Our intuitive perception is amplified, and not only do we closely examine the vision for our lives, we also start to work towards it. Through this process we open to new ways of seeing and, even if we feel the intense pressure of change, we also can sense new possibility.
Beloved Human, your uncomfortable experience is an opportunity for you to encounter yourself and grow, not a problem for me to solve. My uncomfortable experience is an opportunity for me to encounter myself and grow, not a problem for you to solve.”
James-Olivia Chu Hillman
Our power comes from our willingness to look. We are guided to remember that we are part of an intricate ecosystem, and that we all have something unique to offer the collective.
The more that we live guided by self-honor and truth, the more we can show up and contribute to the world.
We reflect on where we have been too focused on our subjective experiences, absent of important information or accepting the truth of our present reality. This lunation supports us in remembering who we innately are—which is always part of something much bigger than ourselves.
The Leo – Aquarius Polarity
Leo represents our authentic self-expression, where we explore our creativity, discover our unique talents and where our gifts are witnessed. Leo is our heart, and our heart is where we find out what truly lights us up.
Aquarius is the cosmic heart sign, where we recognize our role in the collective ecosystem. Here, we experience our interconnectedness with all of humanity and combine our gifts into a higher framework.
Working with this polarity allows us to have a better understanding of how our frequency vibrates within the collective, as well as to tune in to a larger vision. Now is the time to nurture our creativity and live guided by our truth and to be willing to shine in our creative genius and to play our part in the collective shifts and evolution.
“Maybe your work is not so much about becoming a better human, but about becoming better at being human.”
T. Elliot Lewis

Our Differences Are Our Asset
Aquarius is associated with The Rebel, The Outcast, and The Orphan. Part of the archetypal journey in this sign is to learn to see our differences as an asset and a necessary aspect of the cosmic whole. This can be challenging when we have been made to feel that our differences are wrong or shameful. Fear of rejection can keep us from reaching out to others or being a part of community. But the lesson we must learn is that our desire for normalcy and to fit in will never truly fulfill us.
“It is the black sheep’s destiny to stand apart. But paradoxically, it’s only when she honors that apartness that she finally fits in.”
Toko-pa Turner
The highest expression of Aquarius is unity in diversity. Though we live in a culture that has forgotten to hold space for others’ differences, this lunation invites us to consider the many benefits that arrive from accepting our differences. Creative solutions arise when we dare to embrace our uniqueness, and our intuition prompts us to be seen more fully, stand apart, and embody our genius.
Kinship Through Community
Aquarius represents our relationship to community, friendship, and groups, and themes of kinship and belonging are activated now. This is an important moment to consider the people who support our vision for our life. Who can we count on for emotional support and where might we deepen stronger emotional connections with those who have similar values? It is also important to consider what we need in relationships and how we can hold space for more inclusive communities. How can we foster a sense of safety where everyone feels valued, welcomed, and honored? We may be challenged to hold space for the varied opinions of others and try to find a common group that unites us in our humanness, even when we see things from completely different perspectives.
“Whatever you are doing, take the attitude of wanting it directly or indirectly to benefit others. Take the attitude of wanting it to increase your experience of kinship with your fellow beings.”
Pema Chödrön

A New Chapter Unfolds
Something new is coming into our lives. We may feel the excitement of what is possible—but we may also feel a desire to rush things along, break free, and leap forward when it’s not yet the right time. This cycle can also create tension, as it brings what is no longer working to the surface. We must face where we feel restricted, so that we can fully understand the reality of our situation and where we have had unrealistic expectations of the process. We may be impatient, restless, and/or resistant to the changes that are unfolding. It is essential to be flexible in our mind, to release attachments, and surrender to the bigger picture of the change that is developing—as best we can.
This cosmic weather reminds us of the importance of taking things slowly. When we do this, we make sure not to misstep or overstep something vital that requires our attention.
We are invited to clarify our priorities and bring creative solutions to challenges. We reflect on what we need in community and what true abundance means to us and align our values with our evolving perspective.
This lunation seeks to liberate us from our stagnant patterns in a way that can bring sudden changes and radical breaks with the past.
We are being guided to release the dead weight that we have been carrying so that we can come from an unburdened place where we both honor ourselves and show up for the collective in bolder, courageous ways.
“It is worse to stay where one does not belong at all than to wander about lost for a while and looking for the psychic and soulful kinship one requires.”
Clarissa Pinkola Estés

The Invitation
This full moon is honest and liberating. It calls forth the insights and clarity of vision that help us to move into our power and claim our gifts. This energy serves as a sustained blossoming into our potential. We can shed our fears about where it has felt unsafe to show ourselves fully, take bigger risks to be vibrant, and amplify the desire to become our authentic self.
We enter the liminal space between the old and new versions of ourselves. We are asked to remain open and fluid with the process but serious about the necessity for transformation. We are reminded of who we are and our role in humanitarianism—we are holding a vision that serves the collective.
“Some changes look negative on the surface but you will soon realize that space is being created in your life for something new to emerge.”
Eckhart Tolle
To truly follow our vision and bring it into form we may be required to take action steps that bring us outside our comfort zone. We face our resistance to essential changes, noticing where we have been restricted, so that we can create our life from the ground up with a solid foundation.
The completion of this cycle provides us with the trust we require to carve our own path and a fresh understanding of the ways in which our creative imprint is interwoven with a greater cosmic design.
Thank you for the insight!