The new moon in 11°04’ of Virgo on September 2 (8:55 p.m. CDT) is an invitation to recognize our innate value.
When we are sure of who we truly are and recognize our worth, we can become a clearer vessel for divine intelligence to work through us and embody our soul expression more fully.
We hold our energy, our time, and our word as sacred.
We learn through the route of refinement and let go of perfection.
We commit to the deeper calling of service that sings in our hearts.
This cosmic energy reminds us that we are in service to the divine. Our sacred work requires showing up and bringing our attention to details, reworking, and refining.
“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in service of others.”
Mahatma Gandhi
When we truly understand our path of service and our value in it, we can clearly devote ourselves to something greater and give our soul currency.
We create rituals and routines that form a sustainable structure to allow our creativity to flourish.
Movement is a ritual.
Prayer is a ritual.
Love is a ritual.
Silence is a ritual.
Creative Expression is a ritual.
Shadow Inquiry is a ritual.
Nurturing Connection is a ritual.
Where are you called to fill your cup?
This new moon invites us to eliminate distractions so that we can focus on what we need for our self-care, vitality, and what our soul is longing to create.
At the time of this lunation, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are in harmonious alignment. These outer planets are activating powerful energies that guide us towards collective evolution and clear away what needs to be dismantled for new growth to thrive.
The seeds of this new moon will come to fruition with the full moon in Virgo on March 3, 2026. The next 18 months offer a robust understanding of what requires our presence and attention to bring order and refinement in our lives. We are shedding old patterns of self-criticism, perfectionism, and self-neglect so that we can listen deeply to our intuitive knowing, follow our desire to be creative, and access more of our potential.
“Great acts are made up of small deeds.”
Lao Tzu
We Practice Discernment
Virgo is a sign known for their abilities as a problem solver, strategist, and intuitive technician. They are highly skilled at reading patterns and systems, identifying what isn’t working, and noting what needs to be refined. This cycle calls us inward to discern what is and what is not working in our lives. Our greatest power is our gut instinct. Using all our tools and the information at hand, we can go within and assess what is useful, what is nourishing, what needs further integration, and what can be released. We take a detailed inventory of our life to see what choices affirm our health and our worth and clarify what we are giving our attention to. This energy calls us into deep reflection.
We are asked to examine our patterns and how we show up for ourselves with honesty and neutral curiosity. We notice where we are lacking self-respect, and once we identify these areas, we can make choices that align with a higher self-regard. This is a vital time to bring our attention to improvements that support running our daily lives more effectively and efficiently and which come from a place of self-honoring. Where are we called to tidy up our lives, reprioritize, and complete a task?
“It took many years of vomiting up all the filth I’d been taught about myself, and half-believed, before I was able to walk on the Earth as though I had a right to be here.”
James Baldwin

We Redefine Service
Through Virgo we learn about selfless service. Self-less doesn’t mean that we neglect the needs of the self, but rather that we recognize we don’t have it all figured out.
It is through our humility that we can let go and open to the divine intelligence that flows through us.
We heal by not only showing up for ourselves but also understanding that our path includes a focus beyond the self.
The shadow of Virgo is worry, criticism, and perfectionism. It is easier to criticize our own work or someone else then to risk taking a chance with our work in the world. Criticism, doubt, and perfectionism can easily put out the spark of creative inspiration. With this archetype, we are learning to rework and refine our skills, improving our craft. In Virgo, we can be so afraid of making a mistake that we never really try. We can remain distracted and never take steps toward what we most desire because we feel we are not enough. Through making space for these parts of ourselves and accepting our perceived flaws, we can continue to take steps toward our self-care and our calling.
“When I use my strength in the service of my vision it makes no difference whether or not I am afraid.”
Audre Lorde
This is an important time to assess any outdated beliefs around service that are saturated in shame, insecurity, or inadequacy. Virgo is about purification. We can only bring our gifts to the table and offer them up in service when we come from a place of fully knowing ourselves, our values, and our talents.
In its highest expression, Virgo becomes a channel of the sacred and presents it as unconditional love through our mundane acts of service.
Wherever Virgo appears in our natal chart will provide an opportunity to learn about how we can be of service. We can also learn to optimize how we work so that we might enhance our daily routines that support our life and our work to flow more effectively.
“As we serve others we are working on ourselves; every act, every word, every gesture of genuine compassion naturally nourishes our own hearts as well. It is not a question of who is healed first. When we attend to ourselves with compassion and mercy, more healing is made available for others. And when we serve others with an open and generous heart, great healing comes to us.”
Wayne Muller

Trust Divine Timing
We are integrating the information that arrived from this past Mercury Retrograde time and are now entering the eclipse season portal where our evolutionary clock guides us toward accelerated expansion. We are emerging into the new and unknown but may feel faced with heavy restriction, like things are not moving forward toward our intention. This new moon asks us to surrender to divine timing and practice patience. We often want all the steps and details and to know the exact plan, as it can help us feel a sense of security. In reality, we don’t know how things are going to unfold for our future. If we are not open to seeing the bigger picture, we can get lost in the details. We are invited to practice faith in a greater purpose to our current cycle and to trust the divine timing of the process. We are asked to be flexible and make any necessary adaptations to the changes we may face during these next few weeks of eclipse season.
The Invitation
This new moon invites us to fill our cup. To listen closely to what resonates with our soul, what we truly need for self-care, and where we can start a fresh routine that will serve our growth and well-being in a sustainable way. We look at our lives with a renewed sense of devotion and responsibility and make choices that nourish our mind, body, and spirit.
We tend to our creative fire and honor the call to create. And though the inspiration that wishes to be birthed through us can come forth now, we must also be aware that old creative ideas may collapse.
But this cosmic energy is fertile with possibility.
We just need to remember that the seeds that we are planting now will take time to flourish. We may create innovative art projects or create different versions of family. We may be called to nurture and foster connections with our soul family and tend to those with whom we wish to strengthen emotional intimacy.
Trust in the unfolding of our evolutionary journey. Know that this journey is perfectly aligned for our growth and our ability to integrate the wisdom of our bodies’ knowing with our souls’ intention.
“The most powerful thing you can do right now is be patient while things are unfolding for you.”
Idil Ahmed
What an interesting post and definitely learned something new today from this. Not really knowledgeable in divinity or zodiac types but those points are great.