Capricorn New Moon: Building Foundations 

The new moon in 9°43’ of Capricorn on December 30th (4:26 p.m. CST) initiates new levels of spiritual maturity. 

We pause to reflect on everything we have learned and how far we have come.

We are opening to new understanding and integration of the experiences we’ve had over the last 12 months. We have uncovered inner strengths and welcome new opportunities that guide us toward the next stages of our life. 

This energy calls us inward to create the space required to fully listen to the dreams we are longing to create. Our ego can set all the goals it wants, but if they are not aligned with our soul contract and our cycles, the energy will not flow forward. What dreams do we feel genuinely called to build? Where do we intuitively feel there is animation? What opportunities is life presenting that are enabling us to mature and grow? 

This cosmic weather brings big realizations and breakthroughs, but only when we are willing to take full responsibility for what we have created in the past.

“Enlightenment means taking full responsibility for your life.”

William Blake

This is the last new moon of the year. 

The lunation initiates a new 18-month journey of spiritual initiation. The seeds we plant now will flourish at the full moon in Capricorn on June 29, 2026.

This is an essential time to redefine what feels authentic and connected to who we are now. It is also time to pay attention to where we are being called to deepen our commitment to spiritual responsibility and to build sustainable dreams. 

Image Credit: Lee Peters

The Archetype of Capricorn

Capricorn symbolizes pragmatism, inner authority, and sustainability. This archetype teaches us to learn through our life experiences so that we can embody our wisdom and live from integrity.

In Capricorn, we learn to develop the discipline to try again and again, creating perseverance and fortitude as we mature. This can result in a greater ability to integrate the wisdom we have acquired through our lived experiences. 

In its shadow form, we can neglect our inner selves and instead, direct our attention toward the rules, values, and structures of our society that tells us what is acceptable and who we can be instead of listening to and moving from our own agency. We can then become critical of others who don’t play by these rules, thus limiting the potential of others and ultimately ourselves.

In its power, we skillfully learn how to work within the earthbound limits of physical reality, respect the parameters, and shape something of real value that can stand the test of time.

We take only what we need and learn the power of conversation to sustain and nourish what is most sacred.

Pride & Power Struggles

Three days after the new moon is exact, Mars retrograde in 1° of Leo squares Pluto in 1° of Aquarius activating battles and power struggles—two sides fixed in their position with no intention to compromise. What arises will continue to gain intensity, and we may feel as though there is someone or some group who is trying to impose their will or trying to take away our freedom. Pluto activates our deepest psychological fears and shadow, whereas Mars in Leo can go to battle over our wounded pride. This can activate a righteous and fixed anger that will stop at nothing to win and is unwilling to make concessions or work for a higher good. It may also activate a feeling of disempowerment, stuck energy, or a lack of connection to a purpose.

Working with this square, we are asked to detach from our stories, polarization, and getting locked into our way being the only way due to fear and as a way of surviving. But we must remember that we always have the ability to know the true power that lives inside of us, and we can rededicate ourselves to our unique expression, shining our light, and connecting to how we can radiate our gifts in the world.

“I now see how owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing that we will ever do.”

Brené Brown
Image Credit: Ales Krivec

Building New Structures

The new moon is asking us to reflect on how we can embrace our vulnerability. We may be hard on ourselves, thinking that we got something wrong if things didn’t happen in the way we wanted or expected. However, the way things are unfolding is actually perfectly aligned for our biggest soul’s growth. Our personal cycles and journey are always right on time.

Capricorn energy is all about our sovereignty and integrity. We are learning to live from our truth, which means we must match our actions, words, and decisions with our personal values and morality. Sometimes this lesson is best understood through the experience of contrast, hardship, and the consequences of our own choices. We now know where we won’t compromise ourselves again and can build the next stages of our life from a more profound sense of self-respect and self-honor.

“Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.” 

Maya Angelou
Image Credit: Roxana Zerni

Spiritual Responsibility

Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn, is in harmony with this new moon, supporting us in stabilizing and integrating the lessons that we have been working on. Saturn teaches through limitation, restriction, and fate, prompting us to take responsibility for what we need to tend to in our lives and release what isn’t working. 

“When you argue with reality you lose but only 100% of the time.”

Bryon Katie

New intuitive insights and lessons can be grounded into reality and implemented in new ways that help us to move forward. Discern what is most sacred and requires our presence. Get real about what we are not meant to carry forward. We may feel a need to see something through; however, we are not in control of how things may play out or the timing. The only thing we can control is our response to any given situation and how we choose to use any resulting insights to aid in our growth.

Saturn in the sign of Pisces shows us what we need to phase out and bring to conscious completion. Through all the upheaval and emotional unraveling in 2024, what new spiritual understanding has been gained? What do we need in order to extend forgiveness to ourselves for how things developed? 

“As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live.”

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

The Invitation

This lunation cycle encourages us to focus on our current roles and responsibilities. To rebuild in an authentic way, it is vital to release the systems and structures that do not support us. We are being invited to ground into our truth and rise to meet what we are being energetically asked to complete.

The next 18 months call us to purposefully restructure our lives. As we face the outcome of the choices we have made over the past year, we must ask who we are becoming and what structures will support and sustain what we are growing into. We are recognizing where we have developed wisdom and where we are still growing. We are learning to have compassion for ourselves as evolving spiritual beings having a human experience.

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