Gemini Full Moon: Knowledge and Discernment

The full moon in 24° of Gemini on Sunday, December 15th (3:01 a.m. CST) illuminates the information we have so that we can come to a better understanding of ourselves and integrate what we have been learning since the new moon in Gemini on June 7th. 

We connect to a newfound freedom to leave outdated patterns behind and embrace the unknown of our lives.

We have a sense of knowing where we have come from but are not bound to old forms or who we have been in the past.

We are invited to be intentional with our decisions and to feel into our intuitive guidance to direct us towards our next steps.

Mercury, the ruler of this lunation, stations direct the same day this full moon is exact. This is an auspicious time to bring awareness to any unconscious beliefs that are keeping us from evolving.

This alignment brings big messages, breakthroughs, and clarity.

We may find that something is changing in our situation, or that more information is being revealed that will support a different understanding. And though things are moving forward, the way ahead might feel a bit messy. We may find ourselves at a crossroads or feel pressure to make a decision and must trust our intuitive knowing and our experience to guide us. We may begin to see how the lessons we have learned have served us, or have even redirected us to immense challenges. The next several weeks will bring lucidity around experiences that have been delayed or unclear. How has this learning curve of the past several months served our spiritual growth? What larger truths are awakening within ourselves that long to connect to something more profound?

There are exciting developments up ahead, but life is asking us to trust what is on hold and allow for divine timing to redirect us into a more authentic version of ourselves. We have faced our vulnerabilities in order to be able to see ourselves more clearly, come into greater acceptance, and honor our wholeness. We are invited to create spaciousness for the bigger transformation that is coming, soften into deep listening, and respect our needs. 

“every time someone

loves themselves better, 

builds their self-awareness, 

understands their patterns, 

improves their ability to communicate, 

and expands their compassion for others,

the future of humanity grows brighter.

your healing impacts the world

by bringing in new peace.”

Yung Pueblo

Asking Big Questions

This full moon relates to the new moon in Gemini that occurred on June 7th, 2024. Thinking back to that time, what was disclosed? What polarities have been explored? Where have we gotten lost in our version of the truth? What are we called to do with the lessons we learned? Where are we being asked to expand our perspective? What still needs our attention so we can begin to process and heal?

This full moon marks the completion of a cycle in our lives, one that has left us asking big questions over the past six months about our purpose, our place in life, and why we are here. We have also been exploring new areas, both within ourselves and in the world, and are now opening into the significance of this journey. Essential truths are being illuminated, and we are discovering that happiness can only be found within.

This cycle guides us inward to expand our spiritual devotion to the tools and practices that summon us back to ourselves. We are asked to be mindful, to create space to truly listen, and release all that is distracting us from living our embodied wisdom.

“Mindfulness is the best way to be with our suffering without being overwhelmed by it. Mindfulness is the capacity to dwell in the present moment, to know what’s happening in the here and now.”

Thich Nhat Hanh, No Mud, No Lotus


This lunation invites us to reframe the way we think about our future vision. We go back and forth between the bigger idea we have of our life and where we actually find ourselves in our daily experience. There is important learning as we rest into the space in between our past and future chapters. If things feel off, that is useful information. Where we feel the biggest resistance to our changing selves is where we need to learn more about how we protect our vulnerability. It is time to honor what we are feeling and allow space for deeper meaning to enter and to practice wild dreaming. Contrast becomes our teacher, reminding us of what isn’t working and what truly matters so that we can rededicate ourselves to the steps needed to rebuild authentically. Our pace of life is being guided to slow down to create a better understanding of our motivations and to feel our sincere longing to make an impact in the world. Through this work we are building a solid foundation.

Image Credit: Kateryna Hliznitsova

Knowledge Vs. Experience

Gemini learns by taking in new information from their surroundings, giving it context and seeing the connectedness between all things. Through leading with our curiosity and gathering all the data around us we can find security in knowing what things mean. 

Sagittarius teaches us to look beyond the facts and to seek the underlying meaning of what is presented to us, connecting ourselves to a higher purpose. This energy trusts the unknown, answers the call for adventure, and unlocks the longings of our soul.

When we are open to our present experience as our teacher, we can more easily shed old beliefs and conditioning and begin to embrace our authentic nature.

Even if we take in a lot of information that resonates with us, if we don’t know how to integrate what we have learned, it won’t be useful. True wisdom is gained through our life experience—it is information gained after life challenges us and we start to ask the big questions that forever shape our lives. We might have a moment of revelation from meeting someone we can learn from, or we might open to a new threshold of ourselves through stepping through another door of our own life journey. 

In working with this Gemini/Sagittarius polarity, we are asked to develop our intelligence, be open minded, and discover the broader perspective of our life events. To do this, we must look beyond the stories we tell ourselves and engage with larger truths. By tuning out all the opinions of others, the belief systems of the culture, and our own expectations and judgements of who we are, we can then access our innate wisdom and embody our truth. It is essential to create a space for deep listening, be open to the guidance that is coming through, and to integrate what we have been learning.

“When things feel murky and unsure, fine tuning our hearing so as to distinguish the voice of our Innermost Self brings clarity.”

Kristi Bowman

Our Sensitivity is Heightened

This full moon is in a T-Square with Neptune in Pisces creating tension and amplifying our psychic sensitivity. This may mean that our vitality may feel a bit low. But the synchronicities, dreams, and intuitive hunches will help us see what is dissolving and being brought to a conscious ending. 

We are called to tap into our creative essence and connect to what is animated and longs to be brought forward.

“You were not just born to center your entire existence on work and labor. You were born to heal, to grow, to be of service to yourself and community, to practice, to experiment, to create, to have space, to dream, and to connect.”

Tricia Hersey, Rest is Resistance: A Manifesto
Image Credit: Andrej-Lisakov

We Discern Fact from Fiction

In an information-rich world, it is vital to slow down, evaluate, and remain teachable, especially as there is a lot of misinformation, highly dramatized narratives, and conspiracy theories. We have become a culture of information-overload, and it can be hard to discern fact from fiction, and it can be challenging to remain objective. Many of the stories that we are bombarded with may serve as clickbait to get our attention, but underneath the words, can we sense what is real?

“The first point of wisdom is to discern that which is false; the second, to know that which is true.”

Image Credit: Tim Goedhart

The Invitation

This lunation guides us inward to surrender. It is time to reject busyness, the cultural conditioning that prizes overwork, and the distractions of our mind. This will allow our hearts to lead our vision for the future. We notice the contrast between past and future, and are also reclaiming hope for what may be possible. Now, it is important to take the time to feel into our deepest heart’s longing and tend to our dreaming. 

We shed outdated belief systems and embrace all we can absorb by being present in our experience. We see what has been healed over the past six months of our lives and we see just how far we have come. 

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