New Moon in Aquarius: Insight & Alchemy 

The new moon in 9°51’ of Aquarius on January 29th (6:35 a.m. CST) is awakening us to new levels of alchemy. 

This new moon plants fresh seeds of awakening that will come to fruition during the full moon in Aquarius on July 29th, 2026. Over the next 18 months, we have the opportunity to liberate ourselves from old ways of thinking and to shatter previous limitations that will open to different ways of seeing reality. This cycle brings an important starting energy that sets the stage for the paradigms we are moving into and for accelerating vertical growth. 

New ideas emerge now and are presented to our conscious awareness. This can bring a better understanding of how we need to move forward spiritually. 

Uranus is slowing down to station direct at 23° of Taurus on January 30th, shifting our focus to innovation and transformation. While unpredictable change may occur, divine revelations and new possibilities are also likely. We are able to open to a higher vantage point and possess the desire for hastened reform.

Venus has entered the set-up phase for her retrograde cycle, and is guiding us into reflecting on our relationships and our values. When Venus is in Aquarius, it ignites themes of civil rights for marginalized identities, highlights where there is abuse of power, and puts out the call for others to unite and gather to honor equality and truth. 

“We are not obligated to show respect to those in power. I refuse to allow those who don’t recognize my full humanity to expect politeness of me.”

Mona Eltahawy 

The new moon is trine Jupiter in Gemini, prompting us to reconsider the storyline, rewrite the narrative, and verify our sources of information. How can we expand our ability to express and communicate from our integrity? This will mean actively listening, challenging assumptions, and stepping away from forms of communication that operate with a lower vibration, such as gossip. Are we listening to understand? Do we really mean what we say? Are we fact-checking before spreading information? What ideas feel inspired and guide us forward?

Fake news and conspiracy theories have become normalized in our culture, and this cycle brings an information overload. We are called to deeply listen, think strategically about that we hear, and practice discernment. What does the truth feel like in our bodies? What information and opportunities align with our authentic frequency? What area(s) in our lives are calling for reform?

Image Credit: Johny Goerend

The Archetype of Aquarius

Aquarius is the archetype of the Reformer—one who seeks to illuminate society with original and creative visions that support humanity. They bear the light of consciousness and connect us to the intelligence of creation. This archetype has the gift of intuitive perception and can objectively discern patterns. They represent innovation, social action, revolution, and individuality. Aquarius is also the archetype of the Visionary—one who is forward thinking and can tap into trends and the future needs of the collective and bring about creative solutions. 

Aquarius is additionally associated with The Rebel, The Outcast, and The Orphan. Part of the archetypal journey is learning to perceive our differences as a strength and a vital aspect of the cosmic total. This might be difficult when we have been trained to believe that our differences are wrong or shameful. Fear or having an imprint of rejection can keep us from connecting with others or following our unique path and intuitive inspiration that would cause us to stand apart. However, by owning our uniqueness, we can overcome these struggles.

We cannot seek achievement for ourselves and forget about progress and prosperity for our community… Our ambitions must be broad enough to include the aspirations and needs of others, for their sakes and for our own.”

Cesar Chavez
Image Credit: Vincent Guth

Initiating a New Paradigm

This lunar cycle activates a powerful acceleration of new growth. We feel the call for a new beginning, and are downloading new software to align with a different criterion. However, we may feel at a crossroads or we may resist stepping forward to where we know we are being called. But it’s important to remember that where we feel the most resistance is where we are gearing up for a breakthrough. 

This lunation invites us to take back what we have been projecting onto others and liberates us from stagnant thoughts so we can shift and evolve to greater heights.

Aquarius is associated with community, groups, and collaboration. In its highest expression, this represents the collective ecosystem and understanding the need to embrace our uniqueness and share our gifts, as these are what bring creative solutions and medicine for the collective. 

“The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members.”

Coretta Scott King

Through this energy, we explore the spectrum between unity and individuation. How can we hold space and honor what makes us distinctive while finding the common ground that connects us all? This lunation asks us to reflect deeply on what means to be a community member, a global citizen, and a part of humanity that is working in collaboration to create a better world. Do we fully understand the power of the collective and the role that we play? Are we connecting with those who share our vision for the world? 

Shadow Inquiry

Pluto, the god of the Underworld, has begun their journey through Aquarius, highlighting distinctly Aquarian themes, including innovation, humanitarianism, and intelligence. Pluto dives into the depths of the unconscious dredging up that which has been hidden so that we can witness what has been lurking in the darkness in order to transform.  

Collectively, this has ignited the shadow archetype of the Elitist—creating more division between those few in power versus the collective and the power of the people. The old paradigms and structures no longer serve the vision to where we are evolving. We often learn through contrast, and what first arises as our teacher is the shadow. Wherever there is darkness is where we can look to find guidance so we can reach new levels of change and reform—both within ourselves and within the collective. 

“Our very survival depends on our ability to stay awake, to adjust to new ideas, to remain vigilant and to face the challenge of change.”

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Image Credit: Ruslan Bardash

Discerning Information

This new moon aligns with Mercury, Pluto, and Persephone—all in the sign of Aquarius. This can intensify our desire for freedom of speech, as well as bring information that has been hidden to the surface. This may be information that has been suppressed and now released to the collective, or it can be a new insight around what we have been unwilling to examine that is coming into our view for us to face. This energy draws deep from the unconscious parts of ourselves to show us where we can reclaim our power and step into the next stages of our growth. 

Aquarius is associated with truth, intuitive perception, and the archetype of the Whistleblower. This lunation also reminds us of the power of the collective and asks for us to use our voice in service of higher good.

Persephone brings rebirth and a new understanding of who we are after our initiation into the shadow: we remember who we are at the soul level. This goddess in the new moon chart reminds us that light always emerges from the darkness and guides us to step more fully into our authentic expression. Everything we endured serves our awakening and spiritual growth, even if it doesn’t make sense at the time. 

“Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray.”


The Invitation

This new moon invites us to gain a deeper understanding of our reality and where we are evolving, and to trust our intuitive knowing. We are encouraged to use our voices for the work it takes to achieve equality, reform, and needed action. We are open to finding better ways to listen and understand facts that help us connect with the divine revelations. We are challenged to let go of distractions and get honest about where we are called to step forward and what we long to create.

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