The full moon in 25°41′ of Pisces on September 17th (9:34 p.m. CDT) is a partial lunar eclipse.
These cosmic waters saturate us with grace and healing preparing us for new emergence.
Eclipses represent a break in our patterns.
They are a catalyst for our growth and transformation.
What has been invisible is now visible.
We face karmic endings that pull us towards greater love.
We let go of what isn’t working so that we can honor the new chapter that beckons us forward.
Our power lies in softening into the flow of this transition. Allowing and aligning will be more effective during this time than pushing or forcing.
If we open to the grace of liminal space, it will provide pure potential and possibility.
We are invited to get quiet, attune to our emotions, and tap into a greater cosmic intelligence.
As Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, what we are closing out in our lives is amplified. This eclipse supports us in letting go at the soul level and the ability to release old ways of being.
We open to greater empathy, compassion, forgiveness, and unconditional love.
What currently needs our presence to be forgiven, healed, and completed?
Pisces energy heightens our psychic sensitivity and connection to our emotional body. This archetype has the profound ability to speak to our hearts, to live from empathy, and to offer compassion. This lunation is a call back into our cosmic heart. We may be flooded with emotions: overwhelm or grief, excitement or inspiration. We must make space for all that we are feeling. This eclipse energy illuminates our current relationship to our emotional body—and there is much wisdom we can absorb. Are we finding ourselves trying to push ahead and keep up with our regular pace? Is our mind filled with ideas that our body cannot keep up with? Are we able to slow down to feel more? Wherever we find ourselves in life right now, it will be necessary to open our heart to what we are feeling.
“Love brings the sea into boiling and turns the fountain into a pebble. Love creates infinite opinions in the dark sky and shudders the earth with its magnitude.”
What is noteworthy about this eclipse is the presence of the mutable energy and the alignment with the outer planets.
Mutable energy flows with change, sees both sides, and adapts well to new situations and environments.
The alignment of Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Jupiter, and Saturn all speak to a large collective intelligence that is guiding us toward change and new ways of being.
This lunar eclipse is the first eclipse in the sign of Pisces. The nodes will officially move into Pisces in January 2025 where they will journey through July of 2026. This cycle gives us a glimpse of what that energy will feel like.
Eclipse cycles occur approximately every 18-19 years. The last time we had a Pisces eclipse working with the North Node was in September 2006 and in August 2007. Those eclipses brought us into a closer relationship with source, our soul gifts, self-love, and the ability to tune into the spiritual plane.
We are remembering who we are at the soul level and connecting to a bigger vision. All that we have gone through has shaped us into who we are now and has prepared us for something far better than what we could have imagined.
Tune in to the presence of miracles, and in an instant, life can be transformed into a dazzling experience, more wondrous and exciting than we could even imagine. Ignore it and an opportunity is gone.”
Deepak Chopra
The Virgo – Pisces Polarity
Because full moons are in exact opposition to the sun, it is a time when we are presented with the opportunity to work with the tension of opposites. This full moon, we have the polarity of the Pisces/Virgo axis which teaches us to incorporate our spiritual reality with our physical reality. Both Pisces and Virgo are associated with devotion and our path of service. To be effective in service, we must commit to practices and routines that benefit our well-being from a holistic perspective. This may be uncomfortable when we get honest about what we tend to avoid and what distracts us from what we know we need to do to care for ourselves. It is important to remember that we can be guided back to ourselves through creativity and our spiritual practice. What tools guide our healing process? How does our longing desire want to be expressed? What medium ignites our soul? How might a devotion to creativity offer nourishment? What gifts are we being guided to offer in service?
We Sense the Subtle
This lunation offers powerful spiritual advancements, intuitive downloads, and illumination of what has been hiding in the shadows.
How comfortable are you in the dark? When the lights go out, we find the feeling. We move from instinct. We see through the surface. We honor our intuitive knowing.
“Compassion is not a relationship between the healer and the wounded. It’s a relationship between equals. Only when we know our own darkness well can we be present with the darkness of others. Compassion becomes real when we recognize our shared humanity.”
Pema Chödrön
We sense what feels real and we honor what feels complete.
Trust what is closing out in this moment on our journey.
We face the parts of ourselves that have been hidden so that we can work through what is coming to us from our growth. We arrive at a fresh understanding of our patterns, acknowledge the reality of where we are, and begin the next stage of our spiritual path.
We must stay curious and move slowly. We must also remember that not everyone says what they mean. Some may believe they have good intentions, but their energy doesn’t match their words. Others may be sincere with what they are saying but their own patterns of self-sabotage, fear, and shadow parts are too animated at this time. Still others may intend to deceive, and we can sense this when they speak. When someone shows us who they are, we need to believe them.
Our gut hunches and subtle sensing lead us to what is true and what can’t be unseen so that we remember what is actually important in our lives and turn towards what feeds our soul.
“When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time. People know themselves much better than you do. That’s why it’s important to stop expecting them to be something other than who they are.”
Maya Angelou
We Bring Vision Into Life
This lunar eclipse brings a karmic release that allows us to transition into another chapter of our spiritual growth—one that is in greater resonance with our soul’s intention.
We open to different ways of seeing so that we can wake up from disillusionment and embrace our soul gifts.
Our soul essence never disappears, but it can shift into new forms. We are constructing a path to build a higher vision for our lives. What dreams are we nurturing? What dreams have we lost? Embracing a new way of being will deepen our connection to source and our creative intelligence, and help us to remember our spiritual mission.
It is essential to cultivate open-mindedness and to trust in the unfolding. It’s not our job to know all the details. We follow our intuitive knowing and are receptive to synchronicity.
Healing Arises as We Dissolve Illusions
This eclipse amplifies and accelerates our spiritual growth. We gain a better understanding of our patterns and look at our life with fresh eyes.
What is revealed to us is that we have all we need to embrace ourselves fully and to reclaim our soul gifts.
We are invited to see things at face value and move out of any denial we have been in. When we are willing to face the truth, we are guided clearly toward our next steps. What have we been avoiding? Where do we need to be radically honest with ourselves?
We may have a premonition of something on the horizon, but the details of how things will come together are unclear.
We face big endings. We let go of what we don’t need so that we can honor this new start that is beginning to develop. We need to trust what is concluding in our lives. We also need to trust that the timing is working for the highest good of everyone. We must allow ourselves time and space to fully experience what we are bringing to completion and what we need to heal. Endings are empowering. They prepare us for a new cycle and a new version of ourselves to surface. Though one door may close, three new doors may appear!
“Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.”
The Invitation
This lunation reminds of the potency of our emotional body and how it can work in co-creation with the divine when we align our dream with our feelings. This is an important moment to discern between our authentic vision and fantasy. Our true vision connects us to ourselves. Fantasy is often a construct of lack consciousness and the fear of what we don’t have or that what we have lost will never return. Fantasy keeps us from the present moment and from our feelings.
We clarify what isn’t resonant and acknowledge any loss so that we can release all energies that no longer support our growth. We can tell our true vision from fantasy by what feels true in our body. This will aid us in moving into the flow of creative inspiration and know that we are called to create in this lifetime. We rededicate ourselves to our spiritual vision and tend to our dreams. What makes us come alive? What ideas are longing to be born? What is our sacred vision for the world we wish to live in? Have faith that whatever is emerging is right on schedule and even better than what came before.
The last six months served as an initiation for us to face our fears and whatever stands in the way of expressing our soul gifts and bringing our whole self to light. We are now called into our shadow to see what is holding us back. When we are able to acknowledge this truth, we can move forward from an empowered place. We can align with the evolutionary cycle that is calling us.
“If uncertainty is unacceptable to you, it turns into fear. If it is perfectly acceptable, it turns into increased aliveness, alertness, and creativity.”
Eckhart Tolle