The new moon in 9°32’ of Sagittarius on December 1st (12:21 a.m. CST) guides us to slow down, connect with our wisdom, and see the bigger picture of what is being asked of us while we continue on our evolutionary journey.
Karmic redirection can be powerful and purposeful, especially if we open to intuitive insight to guide us forward.
We are creating the spaciousness we need in order to reflect and tend to our visions.
We contemplate our internal beliefs and where we have outgrown outdated containers of cultural conditioning and old versions of ourselves. Our power lies in our ability to learn from our life experience and stay receptive to the expansion of our mind.
“We carry inside us the wonders we seek outside us.”
Life is our greatest teacher, and we are now invited to cultivate the courage and wisdom required to face any challenges that may arise.
This is a critical time to have hard conversations, hold space for other people’s beliefs, clarify facts, and communicate our needs. We all create our own version of our story, but what is the reality of that story now? What is the true narrative? Embellishment can make the story interesting, but if we are too invested in spinning a tale, or needing our version to be right, important details may be lost. What is actually ours to carry forward? Where do we need to take responsibility for our own choices and move beyond shame, blame, and victim consciousness? What are we being asked to surrender in order to grow?
“When you think everything is someone’s fault, you will suffer a lot. When you realize that everything springs only from yourself, you will learn both peace and joy.”
Dalai Lama
To sacrifice means to make sacred. How can we integrate all that we have learned and honor what is ending?
This new moon chart activates a trine in the element of fire and Chiron aligns with the specific degree of the solar eclipse in Aries from last April. We have learned a lot over the last six months, and this has prompted us to look at our life in new ways and ask bigger questions of our journey. What feels like an obstacle can illuminate powerful lessons that deepen our intuitive awareness and lay down a framework that can support a sustainable vision for our life.
If something is intended for you, it won’t be lost.
Trust that you are right on time.
This new moon energy helps us to sow seeds for expansion that will grow and flourish over the next 18 months. The intentions we make now will come to fruition around the full moon in Sagittarius on May 31st, 2026. What obstacle is showing us what we need to work through to access more of our potential? What creative ideas will stand the test of time? Where is life calling us to slow down and pay closer attention to what is being said and also to what is not being said? Where do we block ourselves from allowing what wants to come through?
“As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being.”
Carl Jung
Sagittarius learns through experiences. After being initiated into our shadow, we can find new meaning in our lives and also reclaim more of our light. In Sagittarius we connect to what is possible—following our inspiration into the unknown, trusting the journey and the process to be a perfect teacher that will lead us to the truth that we seek.
This is a vital time of reflection and trusting in the divine timing of our life events. We are asked to surrender to a deeper faith in our ability to navigate any challenges that arise.
We Balance Freedom & Limitation
This new moon aligns with Saturn which teaches us through restriction. Although it can be uncomfortable, it is important to embrace this difficulty so that we might learn to discern which ideas will stand the test of time, where we are being called to evolve, and what matters most. Saturn helps us to release what isn’t serving our spiritual maturity so that we can hone in on and show up for the real work that is being asked of us.
“A feeling of aversion or attachment toward something is your clue that there’s work to be done.”
Ram Dass
This cosmic weather brings a contrast of desires. We require freedom and independence, but we also need to feel the edge of our limits. Paying attention to both will help us to break ground into different dimensions—ones that vibrationally align with where we are growing.
Through this process we can expand into our inner authority so that we can learn to be guided from our integrity and make our own rules and systems that will support our soul work.
This cycle prompts us into a karmic redirection. We are asked to cultivate patience and watch for signs and synchronicities to guide us inward, so that we might have a better grasp of our present moment.
We have a powerful opportunity to take a broader view of what is being developed and to produce better frameworks for sustainable growth.
And sometimes, not getting what we want is exactly what we need. It can be painful when things don’t happen in the way we desire or in the timing that we think is right, but there is something important that is being protected. We are supported now in bringing things to completion and preparing ourselves for progress and advancement. We are also brought into a greater understanding of what we must to do in order to release what isn’t authentic, relinquish old patterns, rewire, and start to forge a path forward.
Sagittarius explores new horizons with optimism and philosophical insight. In their shadow form, they can quickly leap forward, ever-expanding and over-confident, and usually missing some important details along the way. Another shadow aspect of this archetype is fundamentalism. We can hold onto our version of truth like it is the one and only way to see things, and we may also feel we need to convince others of our beliefs.
This cycle guides us into deep reflection of how our wounds may have affected our belief systems.
We need to realize that we have outgrown the container we are in and accept and acknowledge the fears that may have been holding us back. Through this process we can make space for truth to evolve and, as a result, we can gain the confidence to move forward fiercely, claim what is true for ourselves, and live authentically.
“Authenticity is the daily practice of letting go of who we think we’re supposed to be and embracing who we are.”
Brené Brown
We Prepare for Expansion
This cycle guides us inward to prepare us for the adventure ahead. Life is a journey of both learning and unlearning. We shed the cultural conditioning of what we have been taught to believe in and learn to trust our own embodied experiences to guide us toward what is honest and true for ourselves. When we create space, free from all that is known about or imposed on us, we can discover new guidance and new pathways. In our inward and outward journeys, we discover new thresholds of ourselves. This cycle supports us in maturing our adult self so we can trust in our ability to navigate the unknown with discernment, clarity, and wisdom.
“The moment you start seeing each disappointment as a divine appointment that has the purpose to redirect you towards what you soul has in store for you, letting go becomes more graceful.”
Xavier Dagba
The Invitation
This new moon provides an opportunity to break through our limited beliefs and create different structures and routes for our spiritual growth. It is by feeling the edges of restriction that we come to understand more about the container we have made and where we can no longer compromise our integrity in order to feel like we belong. We awaken to fresh insights so that we can see exactly what we have built and surrender what we no longer need.
The cycle supports us in embracing the elements of wisdom and maturity, rather than diving into what sounds good in the moment. When we create spaciousness to heal and integrate, we connect to what ideas have lasting potential and can build a strategy to get there. Our long-term determination, discernment, and resiliency will guide us towards our bigger vision for our life. We honor what we are grieving and open for guidance to reclaim our light. This is an important time to tend to our dreams, rededicate ourselves to rituals, hold space for conscious endings, and embody our prayers. Grace works through synchronicity, through acts of service, and through kindness. We are invited to slow down and notice where grace is appearing in our lives. New inspiration calls us forward, and our full presence is required to court the dream.
“Always live as if you are the answer to someone’s prayer.”
Robert Ohotto